Listing Information

- City : New York
- List Of Industries : Consumer Goods and Retail, Education and Training, E-commerce, Fashion and Apparel, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Information Technology (IT) and Software, Luxury Goods, Manufacturing, Marketing and Advertising, Professional Services, Research and Development, Transportation and Logistics, Wholesale Trade
- Website: Visit
- Invited By : Hugh Van Es
Contact Details
- Email:
- Phone: 1-646-770-0222
- Whatsapp: 1-516-650-0058
- Line : 1-516-650-0058
- Preferred Method Of Contact : Email
Patrick Bennett, Jewelry Technologist™ and global entrepreneur, is a visionary leader in the luxury goods and jewelry industries, renowned for driving innovation and transforming businesses across international markets.As CEO at Successful Consultants, Patrick leads high-impact initiatives for top luxury brands while simultaneously owning and operating multiple global jewelry companies. His pioneering work includes a fine jewelry rental subscription service, revolutionizing customer experiences, and optimizing business operations for sustained growth. Patrick has spearheaded the development of a cutting-edge digital diamond trading platform and led retail store expansions to meet the demands of today’s fast-paced players. With key roles at iconic brands like Tiffany & Co. and Pandora, Patrick’s expertise in product creation, market strategy, and operational excellence has fueled multimillion-dollar growth, solidifying his status as a transformative force in the industry.