The Power of the Network

Jack, a trusted connection, introduced me to his friend Philippe to discuss some business opportunities as he believed that there would be some synergies for us to explore.  During my meeting with Philippe, where we did indeed identify some potential business prospects, I discovered that he was looking for someone to help him with his website. I immediately suggested my close friend Mike, to help him out.

After connecting both via email, a few days later, Mike went out to meet Philippe and started their mutually beneficial relationship. What I had not anticipated however was that during their talk, another subject came up to which Mike immediately remarked, “I know someone”. He then put Philippe in touch with Kris, thereby extending the network further, adding value to all involved.

This is the true advantage of being part of a community of trusted professionals. The bond that is created by helping others is unbreakable and will extend further and achieve a wider reach. You just have to believe in the idea and spread the word. It is a working concept!